• Welcome to Serengeti Migration Marathon and Anti-Poaching Run

Coomunity outreach matters!

Helping one another doesnt depend on the ability and what you own, but it relies on your heart!

Community Outreach

Working with the community to better living standards has been our pride!

The Serengeti Migration marathon & Anti-Poaching Run, although it is a sport event that brings together hundreds and thousands of people of different ages from around the world with the aim of having fun and happiness, building health, exploring, exchanging ideas, learning and changing the environment; also these races are used to help alleviate social challenges here in the Serengeti Ecosystem.

In each year of the event, we allocate 20% of the participation fee paid by the runners to support the community for the following areas; (Conservation, Education, and Health)


To support conservation activities that aims to  protect the Serengeti’s beloved ecosystem, by helping game rangers with various patrol equipment that they can use during their Anti-poaching patrols to prevent illegal hunting/poaching. The things that they need to get as a motivation gift includes;

Flashlights torches, Rain jackets, Jungle boots, First aid boxes and its contents, GPS, Backpacks, Uniforms, etc. We like to provide those things in the conservation institutions found within the Serengeti Ecology, which are Serengeti national park -SENAPA, TAWA-Ikorongo Game Reserve, Ikona community wildlife managemet (Ikona WMA) & District game department (DGO)

In addition, this support is also needed for Rural social groups (RSG) formed by Village game Scouts (VGS-Groups) that are committed to Human-Wildlife Conflict mitigation, fighting against destructive animals such as Elephants, Hyenas, Lions, etc. These animals cause inconvenience by invading the villagers’ habitats and cause harm such as destroying food crops, killing livestock etc also kill and injure people. So these village game scout groups (VGS-Groups) need to be motivated as they work in difficult environments and volunteer without any payment. These groups need to be motivated with your donation as a Friends of Conservation and friend of Serengeti Ecosystem so that they can get things like; Flashlights torches, Rain jackets, gunpowder, Uniform, Radio call communication, motorcycles, Training to equip them with more skills in Wildlife behaviors.

Therefore, we call and appeal to all conservation lovers anywhere in the world and friends of the Serengeti anywhere in the world, to help donate money or equipment for (VGS-Groups) and game rangers so that they can do the protection of this ecosystem more effectively. Take part in protecting the ecology of the Serengeti and help solve Human-wildlife conflicts by donating whatever you can.

Through the 20% allocated every year after the Serengeti migration marathon, we also want to support the food and nutrition program in schools by empowering students of primary and secondary schools located on the outskirts of the Serengeti national park and other game reserves including Ikorongo and Grumeti to get food at school. Most of the parents of the students in those schools are facing a lack of food due to their crops being destroyed before the harvest by animals like elephants and thus unable to get a harvest to meet the needs of the family and to be able to contribute food to the children through school feeding program.

We would like to provide food support for students, so that they can have lunch at school and can study with good attention, build health but also help increase student attendance at school and reduce or eliminate the problem of absenteeism in schools. We believe that if children can get food at school, attendance will increase, absenteeism and drop out will decrease, and there will be a good academic performance that will enable more Pupils/students to continue with higher education. Also, if young children/youths get an education, they will not turn into being game poachers and instead they will be good conservationist’s ambassadors and the Serengeti Ecosystem defendants.

The food they need to get help includes; Corn, Beans, Rice, Sugar and cooking oil. Therefore, we are asking the stakeholders and participants of the Serengeti Migration Marathon and Anti-poaching run to react and donate whatever you can to help students get food at school. You can donate food as food material or money that can help buy food our local market in Mugumu. These donations are handed over to the targeted schools by the  event organizing team in collaboration with other responsible stakeholders .

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